
Showing posts from February, 2018


 Onager Mangonel Release
The Onager was a torsion-powered catapult used to throw stone balls The torsion power came from a twisted rope. This one is nylon—Romans made their torsion ropes out of human hair. These metal pins held the rope’s tension once it was wound tight. Though not exactly “mobile”, metal-shod wheels allowed the contraption to be moved around a battlefield during a siege This ratchet was used to pull down the catapult arm This leather bag held the ammo. It was used most often to throw stone balls, but also sometimes clay firepots  One end of the sling was hooked over this rod: when the catapult arm reached the top of its arc, the ring slid off the rod and flung the stone ball ammo. The release mechanism. A pair of metal “fingers” holds the catapult arm under tension: pushing the handle releases the cord and shoots the catapult.


The solidworks is mostly done it is just missing support on one side.

about us

My name is Jayce  Collins i'm in 11th grade at south plantation high school. I have been in Mr. Martins class for 3 years now this is my favorite class because i enjoy building robots and accomplishing things in my life i also like to play football and lacrosse . I am Joseph Avery. I am a señor at South Plantation High. I am a tutor for Mu Alpha Theta and a member of the MMA club. I want to attend USF or the University of Florida.