
Showing posts from March, 2018

Week 4 - Thursday

We measured and marked our new wood so that it is ready for cutting as soon as the miter saw comes in. By that time, we will have deck screws and brackets (courtesy of the generous Mr. Martin) and will start building.

Project Proposal

Project Proposal- Joey and I would like to build a torsion catapult. Basically you have your wood base and support bar. Unlike a trebuchet where the catapult works with counter weight this one uses rope/torsion. So as your pull back mechanism brings the arm back the rope becomes tighter and tighter. Once you unhook the mechanism the rope throws the arm forward into the supporting arm bar. When the arm his the arm bar the sling carries the object forewords then it flys out of the sling and becomes a projectile. 


Week 4 Monday- Lumber was bought from Home Depot and brought to engineering room. We will measure and mark the wood where we need to cut it.  Jayce opened up a football. We will use this for the pouch of our sling.

week three

This week we were working on creating our cut list and figuring out what type and size wood we needed to begin. Also we needed to determine who would by what and who would get the supplies. I went and found a winch while Joey went and bought the wood.  This is the cut list we decided to come up with. March 12, 2018 Full List 1) 2x6 8' count: 2                                             $6-10 each 2) 2x4 6' count: 1                                             $3 3) fence post 70" count: 1                                $4 4) 1.5" diameter dowel 12" count: 2                $6 5) 5" diameter cart wheel count: 4 6) p...

Cut List

Full List 1) 2x6 8' count: 2                                             $6-10 each 2) 2x4 6' count: 1                                             $3 3) fence post 70" count: 1                                $4 4) 1.5" diameter dowel 12" count: 2                $6 5) 5" diameter cart wheel count: 4 6) pillows count: 2 7) rope 8) winch 9) deck screws total                                                                  $19-23 Cut List 1) 2x6 48" count: 2 2) 2x6 30"...

Week 2

Jayce and I had some trouble coming up with an effective design. We just tried to draw one up from scratch rather than emulating others' designs. Mr. Martin helped develop a good design which we shall now create in SolidWorks.

new new new solidworks


Newnew solidworks


Better SOlidworks
