week three

This week we were working on creating our cut list and figuring out what type and size wood we needed to begin. Also we needed to determine who would by what and who would get the supplies. I went and found a winch while Joey went and bought the wood.

 This is the cut list we decided to come up with.

Full List

1) 2x6 8' count: 2                                             $6-10 each
2) 2x4 6' count: 1                                             $3
3) fence post 70" count: 1                                $4
4) 1.5" diameter dowel 12" count: 2                $6
5) 5" diameter cart wheel count: 4
6) pillows count: 2
7) rope
8) winch
9) deck screws

total                                                                  $19-23

Cut List

1) 2x6 48" count: 2
2) 2x6 30" count: 3
3) 2x4 30" count: 5


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